With a deck of 23 meters width this bridge accommodates 4 traffic lanes, a central band and two lateral emergency strips. This curved (R=740 m) bridge presents a deck which is continuous along its entire length of 1054 meters. The three central spans reach 150 meters between the axis of the V-shaped piers. The cross-section is a concrete central box girder of variable depth and lateral bands including precast concrete inclined struts. Internally, the box girder includes transverse frames spaced every 5 meters receiving the load transmitted by the feet of the inclined struts. In addition, the walls are used as deviators for a set of external cables composing the continuity prestressing of each span.
The construction procedure consists of free cantilevering for the central spans and scaffolding for the side spans. In both cases, the lateral bands are erected after the box girder is finished and may be used as the provisional bridge from which the precast inclined struts are mounted.
In order to avoid excessive secondary forces due to curvature and imposed deformations, the bridge has been built with the two V shaped piers located far from the center provisionally supported on movable bearings. This detail was thought to allow the free movements of the deck by the effects of concrete creep and shrinkage, and conceived to be definitively blocked afterwards.